
Prehistoric camp on New Mexico Air Force base; Paleolithic wooden tools in Germany; chicken eggs in Central Asia; purported early sandstone sculpture in South Africa

New Pompeii frescoes; ancient city in Tonga; African-American log house excavation in Virginia; clay seal bearing the name Shiraz

Horse cemetery in London; Iranian Plateau as stopover for migrating humans; Violence and crisis in ancient Peru; island time capsule in Australia

Clay tablet at Hittite site; huge India DNA study; mass grave in Nuremberg; oldest bead in Western Hemisphere

Newly documented Aztec codices; food traces evidence Easter Island contact with South America; Britain’s Pompeii; advanced Neolithic boats in Italy

Medieval French abbey totally excavated; Texas obsidian blade attributed to Coronado expedition; French hunter-gatherers avoided inbreeding; plants used in Philistine temples

Wrecked slaver ships in the Bahamas; burial cave in Spain with suggestion of Neanderthals; Ukraine tools dated to 1.4 million years ago; astrolabe from medieval Spain

Danish gold ring hints at royalty; Neanderthal adhesive grips; early colonial armor in Maryland; DNA of mummies in far western China

Baltic Sea Mesolithic megastructure; very old Patagonian pictographs; Danish bog body violently smashed; dating supports independent invention of Easter Island script

Meteoritic iron in Spanish Bronze Age hoard; poisonous seeds in Roman-age bone vial from Holland; ancient DNA in Denmark points to two sudden population replacements; early human occupation of Amazon rainforest caves