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The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA) was a turning point in the history of archaeology in the United States.  This law required that the implementation of any project using federal funds or involving a federal permit take into account the project’s effects on historic places, including archaeological sites.  To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the NHPA, American archaeologists worked together to produce a series of short films, each one representing a particular state, highlighting the gains in our understanding of the lives of our forebears that would not have come about without that law.



pointtac web

California’s Obsidian Trail

Location: California, USA       Length: 18 min.

In the shadow of Mt. Whitney lies California’s Owens Valley, the deepest valley in North America…

lenapechief web

Archaeology in Delaware: Connecting the Past to the Present

Location: Delaware, USA       Length: 20 min.

This video is an exploration of the practitioner’s personal side of archaeology…

afroamericanworker web

The Avondale Burial Place: A Georgia Section 106 Success Story

Location: Georgia, USA       Length: 16 min.

The Avondale Burial place is an unmarked and forgotten African American burial ground encountered…

sgtgeopearce web

Connecting the Past to the Present through Archaeology

Location: Idaho, USA       Length: 11 min.

On the evening of January 8th, 1944, a B-24 crashed during a nighttime training mission…

nativesknapping web

Kentucky: The Archaeology of Everyone

Location: Kentucky, USA     Length: 13 min.

This video presents highlights on what scholars have learned about Kentucky’s rich cultural heritage…

plantationhouse web

Searching for the Sweet Life: Archaeology at the Chatsworth Plantation Site, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Location: Louisiana, USA     Length: 18 min.

The Louisiana State University Rural Life Museum handled the MNHRP-mandated research…

crowman web

Montana: The National Preservation Act in Big Sky Country

Location: Montana, USA     Length: 11 min.

A story of two fascinating archaeological sites that essentially bookend 10,000+ years of human habitation in the Big Sky Country…

bisonbutchering web

North Dakota: From the Field to the Museum

Location: North Dakota, USA     Length: 20 min.

The film features the Beacon Island Site, a bison kill site archaeologists believe was occupied during the Paleo-Indian period…

shakerpipe web

An Expression of Unity: The Shaker Tobacco Pipes from Union Village

Location: Ohio, USA     Length: 14 min.

Archaeology and history intertwine to tell how publically-funded archaeology by the Ohio Department of Transportation…

chinesewoman web

Rising from the Ashes: The Archaeology of the Jacksonville Chinese Quarter

Location: Oregon, USA     Length: 17 min.

Archaeological excavation in 2013 along a quiet street in Jacksonville in preparation for streetscape improvements…