
(1) Many of the most valuable coins minted in ancient Rome had gold mined from northern Portugal. Huge work areas in the open, deep galleries and a complex network of hydraulic channels are impressive for their size and state of conservation—the most fascinating in Roman Portugal. (2) TAC Tour of Iran 2017 was a 17-day journey to key ancient and medieval sites in the cradle of civilization. In this short video, tour participants express their reactions to a transformative experience, which will be repeated in 2018. We are taking reservations now.

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Produced in 2018 by Archaeological Legacy Institute

Copyright 2018 by Archaeological Legacy Institute


The Archaeology Channel Tour of Iran 2018

History of Iran (Iran Chamber Society)

Roman Mining in the Valongo System (Portugal), by Carla Maricato and Paulo Pacheco (Speleo Brazil 2001) [PDF]

Tresminas Roman Mining Complex Interpretive Center