Our Audio Mix: A Feast for Your Ears!
Welcome to our Audio area! We’ve been doing audio programs since 2001, when we began the Audio News from Archaeologica. Now we have lots of audio offerings and are working on bringing you more.
Audio News from Archaeologica – The news of the week in audio, compiled from daily news updates gathered by the news site Archaeologica.
Audio Interviews – Interesting people answering questions about interesting things.
Audio Commentaries – Thoughtful people offering their views and perspectives.
Indigenous Storytelling: Kalapuya Creation Story – Native American story teller Esther Stutzman relates how the world came to be.
The Human Experience – Two-minute audio vignettes about us, created by a group of anthropologists at the University of New Mexico.
Wisdom of the Elders – One-hour Native American cultural magazine radio programs offering a rich tapestry of oral history and storytelling from indigenous elders with special features on health and healing, grandmother’s culture, and music.
Indiana Jones: Myth, Reality and 21st Century Archaeology – A one hour weekly audio show from Dr. Schuldenrein exploring myths surrounding the often misunderstood field of archaeology.