


TAC International Film and Video Festival The Last Romans



Virtual Reconstruction of Sagalassos Building Virtual Reconstruction of Sagalassos Building



At the beginning of the 5th century, Imperial Rome is dying out. However, Greco-Roman civilization lives on. In the East, cities surrounding Constantinople continue to flourish and experience relative stability until the end of the 7th century when they become the Byzantine Empire. One city, located in Anatolia in the province of Pisidia, tells the story of this moment in history known as “Late Antiquity.” Untouched for centuries, the city of Sagalassos sleeps, waiting for Marc Waelkens, a Belgian archaeologist, to play the role of Prince Charming. The Last Romans asks the question of how people lived during this maelstrom of history between the Pax Romana and the first kingdoms of the Middle Ages.




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Length: 52 min.
Country: Belgium
Language: English
Producer: Philippe Axell, Axell Communication
Producer website: www.axellcom.com
Distributor: Axell Communication
Distributor Web site: www.axellcom.com



Festival Screenings and Awards:

Archaeology Prize, Kineon: International Festival of Archaeological Film, Brussels, Belgium, 2007
Special Mention of the Jury, AGON: International Meeting of Archaeological Film of the Mediterranean Area, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2008
Cinarchea: International Archaeology Film and Art Festival, Kiel, Germany 2008
International Review of Archaeological Cinema, Rovereto, Italy 2008
Arkeolan: International Archaeological Film Festival of the Bidasoa, Irun, Spain, 2008
Audience favorite film and best creative content, ICRONOS: International Festival of Archaeological Film, Bordeaux, France, 2008