TAC International Film and Video Festival A Kalahari Family, Part 2: End of the Road






A Kalahari Family is the product of a ten-year collaborative effort involving film and media professionals as well as scholars in the fields of anthropology, history, archaeology and ethnographic film. Encapsulating over 50 years of Namibian history in visual imagery and first hand storytelling, the series represents a lifetime of research, documentation and personal engagement with the Ju/'hoansi (Bushmen) of Nyae Nyae. This series of films tell a story of struggle – against the myths and misconceptions held about Bushmen; against cultural values adapted to a way of life that is no longer possible; against powerful outside interest groups; and against nature itself. Part II of this series, titled End of the Road, looks at the difficulties many of the Ju/'hoansi face when they settle at the administrative post of Tsumkwe, established by the South African government.






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Length: 54 min.
Country: USA
Language: English
Producer: Kalfam Productions; John Marshall, Lorna Marshall
Documentary Educational Resources


Festival Screenings and Awards:

Margaret Mead Film Festival, 2002, New York, New York

Pacific Film Archive, 2002, Berkeley, California

Sitengi Film Festival & Market, 2002, Cape Town, South Africa