

(1) “Doggerland”: Hand-drawn visualizations accompanied by music and other sound effects relate an imaginary story about the now-submerged land in the southern North Sea.  They dynamically envision pre-Neolithic tools, weapons and other artifacts, as well as pre-Neolithic practices, including big game hunting and its hazards.  (2) “Shoals and Shipwrecks of Port Royal Sound”: Field activities and interviews illustrate the process of searching for shipwrecks, accomplished  by means of historical research, remote-sensing operations and diving, at the entrance of Port Royal Sound, South Carolina. 

Copyright 2024 by Archaeological Legacy Institute

Web links:


A 16th-century French shipwreck is believed buried in Port Royal Sound. But where? (The Island Packet)

A Discovery in Waiting: Inside the Search for a 16th Century Shipwreck (Popular Archaeology Magazine)

Doggerland (Wikipedia)

Doggerland - The Europe That Was (National Geographic)

Shipwrecks (South Carolina Institute for Archaeology and Anthropology)

Study Rewrites History of Ancient Land Bridge Between Britain and Europe (Smithsonian Magazine)