When an outsider threatens their village, three girls, inspired by an elderly shaman, imagine a way to protect their jungle, their village, and their future. This is the world’s first fictional Tukano-language film. Highlighting the importance of community, this film’s beautiful cinematography immerses you into the Amazon, as well as into the hearts of its people. Made together with the Tukano and Desana peoples in the Amazonian village of Balaio, “Wuitina Numiá” or “Daughters of Courage” presents indigenous people as they wish to be seen—and as cinema has seldom given them before.
Length: 20 mins.
Country: Brazil
Language: Tukano with English Subtitles
Director: Rita de Cácia, Oenning da Silva, Kurt Shaw
Producer(s): Kurt Gillam Shaw
Distributor: Usina da I