The Archaeology Channel
International Film and Video Festival
May 19-23, 2008, Soreng Theater, Hult Center for the Performing Arts, Eugene, Oregon, USA
Exploring the human cultural legacy on screen!
Five days of juried films and videos on archaeological and indigenous topics:
Tuesday evening, May 20
Wednesday evening, May 21
Thursday evening, May 22
Friday evening, May 23
Saturday morning and afternoon, May 24
Awards Reception Saturday evening, May 24
Festival Mission:
To exhibit for our audience the wonderful diversity of human cultures past and present in the exploration of our place in history and in our world. To promote the genre and the makers of film and video productions about archaeology and indigenous peoples.
Films Selected for Screening Include:
Always Blue Days (Spain) Laureano Montero Palacio (Cre-Accion Films)
Ausangate(USA) Andrea Heckman, Tad Fettig, and Judy Walgren
Chocolate: Pathway to the Gods(USA) Meredith L. Dreiss, Grant Mitchell and Sharon Edgar Greenhill (ArcheoProductions, Inc.)
The Giant Buddhas (Switzerland) Christian Frei (Films Transit International)
The Great Inca Rebellion (USA) National Geographic Television for WGBH NOVA
Hidden Worlds: Underground Rome(USA) Vicki Dunakin (SubTerra Productions)
The Hunley: New Revelations(USA) Brian Leonard (JWM Productions)
From Hutong to Highrise: The Transformation of Beijing(China) Jasper Goldman and Beatrice Chen
In Transit (UK) Greg Bailey (University of Bristol)
Komi: A Journey Across the Arctic (France/Germany) Andreas Voigt (SEPPIA/Barbara Etz Film Production
The Mummy Who Would Be King (USA) Gemini Productions LLC for WGBH NOVA
Pocahontas Revealed(USA) Lone Wolf Documentary Group for WGBH NOVA
The Sign On the Stone: The Unknown Sahara of the People With No Name (Italy) Lucio and Anna Rosa (Studio Film TV)
Tomb 33: An Eqyptian Mystery(France/Germany) Thomas Weidenbach (SEPPIA)
Treasures of the Ashmolean Museum (UK) Andrew Guy (Eye to Eye Television)
Unlocking Pharaoh’s Cellar (Germany) Thomas Weidenbach (Laengengrad Filmproduktion GmbH)
The Wild West Uncovered: The Rise and Fall of Virginia City(France) Elmar Bartlmae (Gedeon Programmes)
Yamana Nomads of the Fire: (Italy) Tullio Bernabei (GA&A Productions)
Keynote Speaker (Saturday afternoon):
Donny George, Ph.D., former Director-General of Iraqi Museums, now Visiting Professor, SUNY Stonybrook. More about Donny George . . .
Associated Activities:
Festival Sponsors