The Archaeology Channel
International Film and Video Festival
Film Screenings: Exploring the human cultural legacy on screen!
McDonald Theatre, Eugene, Oregon, USA
July 13-17, 2004
Exploring the human cultural legacy on screen!
Five days of juried films and videos on archaeological and indigenous topics:
Tuesday evening, July 13
Wednesday evening, July 14
Thursday evening, July 15
Friday evening, July 16
Saturday morning and afternoon, July 17
Awards Reception Saturday evening, July 17
Festival Mission:
To exhibit for our audience the wonderful diversity of human cultures past and present in the exploration of our place in history and in our world. To promote the genre and the makers of film and video productions about archaeology and indigenous peoples.
Films Selected for Screening Include:
- Alexandria—Center of Knowledge (Germany) TANGRAM Christian Bauer Filmproduktion/PIXCOM Productions
- Bilad Chinqit—The Land of Chinguetti (Italy) Studio Film TV
- Ephesus—Metropolis of the Ancient World (Austria) Interspot
- A Forgotten Place: the History of an Abandoned Farming Community (USA) Thomas Carr
- Guardians of Angkor (USA) Live Art International/Dean Love
- Guardians of a Legacy (USA) Black Cat Productions
- The House of Julius Polybius in Pompeii (Italy) Altair 4 Multimedia S.R.L.
- Iraq's Lost Treasure (USA) Jason Williams, National Geographic Film & Television, USA
- Kurtal - Snake Spirit (Australia) Nicole Ma
- The Mummies of Taklamakan (France) Gedeon Programmes
- The Mystery of Chaco Canyon (USA) Anna Sofaer, The Solstice Project
- Sagalassos, the Forgotten City (Belgium) Philippe Axell
- Sastun: My Apprenticeship with a Maya Healer (USA/Belize) Guido Verweyen and Eva Langsdorff
- Searching for Blue (Peru) Fernando Valdivia, Pedro Noguchi
- Secrets of the Dead: Search for the First Human (USA) JWM Productions
- The Splendor of Rome (Italy) Franco Porcarelli - RAI International
- Time Team—Garden Secrets (UK) Videotext Communications
- Tonto (USA) Camera One
- Tubabs in Africa (USA) Michael Ford
Keynote Speaker (Friday Evening):
Dr. Jane Waldbaum, President of the Archaeological Institute of America, and Dr. David Hurst Thomas of the American Museum of Natural History.
Associated Activities: