TAC International Film and Video Festival



Bamiyan Buddha and Film-maker  Reclning Buddha Head



In March 2001, two huge Buddha statues were blown up in the remote area of Bamiyantal in Afghanistan. This dramatic event surrounding the ancient stone colossi—unique proof of a high culture that bloomed until the 13th century along the Silk Road—is the starting point for a cinematic essay on fanaticism and faith, terror and tolerance, ignorance and identity. Oscar nominated director Christian Frei's thought-provoking film journeys along a perimeter that both divides and unites people and cultures.





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Length: 86 min.
Country: Switzerland
Language: English, w/ French Arabic, Chinese
Producer: Christian Frei
Producer Web site: N/A
Distributor: Films Transit International
Distributor Web site: www.filmstransit.com
Copyright: 2005 by Christian Frei and Suissimage



Festival Screenings and Awards:

See Web site, www.giant-buddhas.com/en/festivals/