Audio News from Archaeologica

Laura Kennedy,
Voice of the Audio News.
The news of the week in audio, for many years compiled and written by the late Michelle Hilling of Archaeologica, is now the product of our dedicated volunteer team. Read by Laura Kennedy, the Audio News is compiled from Archaeologica’s daily news updates. The musical interludes are original compositions by Anthony Pettigrew.
Huge Viking hall in northern Jutland; indigenous dogs at Jamestown; new kurgan tomb in Siberia; ancient flakes in Brazil made by monkeys
Idaho projectile points are the oldest in North America; very ancient use of bear skins; precious Australian rock art defaced; artifacts recovered from lost Canadian Arctic exploration ship
LiDAR survey result from Guatemala; human ancestors as sailors in the Aegean Sea; cultural transmission of prehistoric pottery; Jewish burial cave turned Christian pilgrimage site.
Drought as cause of Huns’ attack on Rome; Basiin of Mexico mountains as solar observatory; rare coin from Jewish-Roman War; many new Nazca geoglyphs.
Early Neolithic narrative scene in Anatolia; food remains in Colosseum sewers; early medieval female burial in Britain; oldest evidence of Maya calendar
DNA of European Ashkenazi Jews; stucco masks from Classic Maya city; complex cooking by ancient human ancestors; solstice alignment of Egyptian tomb
Monkey remains at Teotihuacan; Neanderthal tools on UK tidal flats; Iceman remains might have shifted long ago; ancient shipwreck deep on Norway lake
Amazing new Saqqara discoveries; surprisingly ancient signs of intentional cooking; human remains from Revolutionary War battlefield; New Mexico footprints dating contested.
Tuscany spring with Etruscan and Roman artifacts; tunnel beneath temple near Alexandria; some Southwestern parrot bones may be local; ivory comb in Israel with oldest alphabetic sentence.
South American DNA; rare Ogham inscription in Scotland; commercial district in Ephesus; DNA of watermelon.
Roman Villa Included Heating System; Assyrian bas-reliefs Survived ISIS; Lowered River’s Spooky Finds; Oldest U.K. DNA Shows Two Populations.
Ancient Roman Mosaic; Viking Replication of Roman Burial Ways; Neanderthal Family Life; Seasonal Use of Neolithic Wood Henge.