Series 2, Program 6: Crow / Cheyenne*
Elder Wisdom Feature: Joseph Medicine Crow
Brian Bull introduces us to Crow elder, Joseph Medicine Crow, who tells how young warriors used to earn the role of chief among the Crow nation.
Sacred Landscape
Judy Bluehorse Skelton acknowledges the Northern Cheyenne for their refusal to exploit their natural resources, such as coal and natural gas.
Tribal Rhythms
Nico Wind treats us to the music of the Crow Fair which is widely attended every summer at Crow Agency, Montana.
Contemporary Rhythms
Milt Lee explores the history and evolution of Christian music on the Crow Reservation, featuring Dave Graber, Roy Stewart and John William Latin, Jr.
Turtle Island Storytellers
Southern Cheyenne Peace Chief Lawrence Hart tells a story about the history of the continuing plight of his people following the Sand Creek Massacre of 1864.
* Segment transcripts and participant biographies can be found on the Wisdom of the Elders Web site.