
Series 2, Program 1: Shawnee, Osage, Omaha, Otoe/Missouri*


Elder Wisdom Feature: Dark Rain Thom

Lewis and Clark may have started their voyage from St. Louis, Missouri, but their interactions with Native people began in the woodlands of Missouri and Illinois with the Shawnee. Brian Bull honors the life and culture of Shawnee elder, Dark Rain Thom.

Sacred Landscape

Judy Bluehorse Skelton explores native perspectives on the land and water, plants and animals that Lewis and Clark encountered along their journey.

Tribal Rhythms

Nico Wind takes us to the land of the Omaha in an interview with traditional Omaha singer, the late Valentine Parker, who explores the roots of the powwow. The feature includes excerpts from the historical collection of 90 wax cylinders recorded by Alice Fletcher and Ponca man, Frances La Flesche.

Contemporary Rhythms

Milt Lee features Omaha powwow singer, Tim Grant, and his drum group, the White Tail Singers from Macy, Nebraska, who shares about Omaha music and his life of travel on the powwow trail.

Turtle Island Storytellers

Shawnee Robert Miller, shares his knowledge about one of the most valuable members of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, the Shawnee and French hunter, scout and Indian sign language interpreter, George Drouillard.

* Segment transcripts and participant biographies can be found on the Wisdom of the Elders Web site.