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Megaliths of France

The largest collection of standing stones (or menhirs) in the world, in southern Brittany, the westernmost province of France, is the focus of this tour.  Mostly arranged in impressive rows or alignments, with some standing alone, these date to the Neolithic Period, 5000-2500 BC, and are accompanied by many other features, such as tumuli (earthen mounds built up over a grave), dolmens (chambers formed from upright stones overlain with capstones and originally buried beneath tumuli or rock cairns), and geometric shapes formed from rows of menhirs (generally rectangles and circles).  Some of these features are richly decorated with inscribed symbols and patterns, and excavated tombs have yielded wonderful artifacts.  All these constructions are the product of Neolithic farmers who subsisted on cereals and livestock their ancestors brought from the Fertile Crescent.  Some researchers believe that western France was the heartland of the European Megalithic culture, which spread outward to the British Isles and areas to the north.  Our tour, while sampling the cultural flavor of this unique part of France, will visit the most impressive and significant of the region’s megalithic sites to tell its story and explore its many mysteries.

Dates: September 6-14, 2024

Click here to view the itinerary and register for your spot! Registration Deadline: June 6, 2024. Spots are limited, so register today!