

Here you will find links to activities from various archaeological based resources. These activities are taken directly from their source and their intended purpose is to be used in the classroom.

Organization: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

Description: In class activity interpreting and writing Maya hieroglyphs and pictographs.

Age group or class level: Grades 4-7

Teaching Activity: Maya Art and Writing (PDF) 

Organization: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

Description: Introduction lessons on archaeology and the importance of material culture, as well as a list of field trips and lecturers in the Washington DC area.

Age group or class level: grades 4-7

Random Strategies in Archaeology

Organization: State University at Binghampton Community Archaeology Program

Description: An outdoor activity whose goal is to show students the process archaeologists use when retrieving artifacts and identifying features.

Age group or class level: Grades 5-8

Mock Excavations

Organization: University of Pennsylvania: Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Description:  A 40-page workbook with activities and descriptions about the Silk Road.

Age group or class level: Teachers/Educators

Secrets of the Silk Road-Educators Guide [PDF]

Organization: University of Pennsylvania: Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Description: An 11-page workbook with activities and descriptions about the Silk Road.

Age group or class level: Grades 9-12

Secrets of the Silk Road [PDF]