In this category there are resources which lead directly to either interactive websites, videos or other new interactive interfaces the user(s) can become engaged with archaeological based material.
Organization: Adventure Learning Foundation
Description: Through teacher-guided discussion and hands-on activities, students will explore how various cultures have contributed to making the United States the unique and diverse country that it is today.
Age group or class level: Grades 3-4
Organization: Alaska State Museum
Description: An interactive website behind the history of the gold rush in Alaska, including the discovery of gold in the area, the daily life of miners mining the gold and the legacy of the time period on Alaska.
Age group or class level: Teachers
Organization: Alaska State Museums
Description: In this 7-minute video, Kay Field Parker, master weaver from Juneau, Alaska, demonstrates two-strand twining with materials exaggerated in size and scale to help students clearly understand and see the technique. Please be aware that there is no audio to this video.
Age group or class level: Grades K-12
Organization: Boncuklu Project
Description:This booklet introduces what we know about the ancient site of Boncuklu Höyük based on 8 years of excavation and research. It is aimed at a primary and secondary school audience and is supported by a Teachers’ Resource Pack. The resource pack, and other information about the site, is freely available to teachers and other education specialists in both Turkish and English.
Age group or class level: Primary and Secondary school ages
Organization: The Discovery Channel
Desctiption: An interview with Matthew Cochran about what an archaeologist actually does and the challenges inherent in his fieldwork.
Age group or class level: All grades/class levels
Archaeologist (Video)
Organization: Family Education Networks
Description: An interactive page with a drop–down box and an interactive map of American Indian archaeological sites located in the United States, along with description blurbs about each site.
Age group or class level: Grades K-12
Organization: Family Education Networks
Description: A webpage with 3 separate videos describing the history of the Thanksgiving holiday, one applicable for grades K-5, one applicable for grades 6-8 and the last one applicable for grades 9-12.
Age group or class level: K-12
Organization: Family Education Networks
Description: Are you just starting out as a teacher, or are you a veteran teacher who needs to shake up her routine? Find the top things every teacher (new and seasoned) needs in her classroom in this slideshow of tips, articles, and resources
Age group or class level:
Organization: Iowa Lakeside Laboratory
Description: A video description about an archaeology field course which states: Nature of cultural and environmental evidence in archaeology and how they are used to model past human behavior and land use; emphasis on Iowa prehistory; introductory reconnaissance surveying and excavation techniques.
Age group or class level: College-Level students
Organization: McClung Museum of Natural History & Culture
Description: Lecture presentation by Dr. Jeff Chapman about his work on the Tellico Archaeology Project.
Age group or class level: Grades K-12