Power Point Presentations
Archaeology related Power Point Presentations from various cultural heritage and archaeological based organizations. NOTE-Microsoft Power Point is required to view resources.
Organization: Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center.
Description: A 28-slide powerpoint presentation about the field of archaeology with picures showing the 2005 field school at the Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center.
Age group or class level: Middle School Students
Organization: Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center
Description: A walk-through description about the tools used during an archaeological dig.
Age group or class level: All grades/ class levels
Organizaton: Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center
Description: A 132-slide PowerPoint Presentation full of photos of Archaeology resources created by Carol Valenta.
Age group or class level: All grades/class levels
Oranization: Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center
Description: A photographic collection of the materials and the process used by the Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center during the 2005 Field School.
Age group or class level: All grades/class levels
Archaeology for Teacher- Field School 2005
Organization: Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center
Description: The process of finding and excavating a site as well as analyzing the results.
Age group or class level: All grades/class levels
Archaeology: The Search for Who we Were and How we Became Who we Are
Organization: Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center
Description: A description and visual educational resource about the process of analyzing materials back at the laboratory.
Age group or class level: All grades/class levels
Organization: Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center
Descrition: A PowerPoint Presentation created by Bart Appleton which describes the archaeologists job in the field using the scientific method.
Age group or class level: All grades/class levels
Organization: Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center
Description: Another PowerPoint Presentation about the process of Archaeology.
Age group or class level: All grades/class levels.
Organization: Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center
Description: Another PowerPoint Presentation, this one by Cathy Ryba, about the archaeological process.
Age group or class level: All grades/ class levels