TAC Festival 2016 Screening Schedule
Broadway Metro (May 9th to May 12th, 2016)
43 W. Broadway, Eugene, OR 97401Monday, 9 May 2016
The Mapping of Kosciuszko’s Tunnel is a collaboration between South Carolina Educational Television, The University of South Florida, The Alliance for Integrated Spatial Technologies, and the National Park Service. The show is a documentary highlighting the story of the Koscuiszko tunnel, the technology behind its 3D mapping and the preservation efforts for the little-known tunnel that is a part of the Ninety Six National Historic Site in South Carolina.
When film entered Iran, less than five percent of Iranians could read and write. The first female Iranian star, Roohangiz Saminejad, was frequently attacked by traditionalist mobs angered at her audacity for appearing on screen. In a place where religious censorship is practiced, is there a difference between openness and shame? What’s the difference between cinema and insanity? Is censorship good or bad? Join Mahvash Sheikholeslami in analyzing how art and culture play important roles in transforming a society’s cultural condition.
In 1961, Robert Gardner organized an expedition to the Highlands of New Guinea to film the Dani people. He stayed for six months to create an essay on the themes of violence and death witnessed within the intense ritual warfare between rival Dani villages. The end result was his seminal film, Dead Birds. Twenty-eight years later, Gardner returned to the Dani villages to see what had become of the people he had met and to show them the film. Dead Birds Re-Encountered is a captivating, reflexive epilogue. The film observes the changes nearly three decades have brought to Dani life and culture, raising questions about modernization, tourism, cross-cultural relations, and the meaning of friendship.
Tuesday, 10 May 2016
In 2004, a boat covered by many layers of sediment emerged from the bottom of the Rhone. At the time, no one imagined that one of the best preserved boats from the Roman times had just been discovered. Rapidly ranked a national treasure, the barge is the subject of a highly important archaeological project. Arles Rhone 3: From the River to the Museum follows the barges’ journey from sunken obscurity to world renown.
Sikyon: An Excavation is a documentary recording the excavations in the ancient Greek city of Sikyon. Dr. Yannis Lolos, who is in charge of the excavations, and his associates guide us through the process of these excavations. When completed, they will reveal the full spectrum of life in this city whose life spans from the 6th century BC to today.
Lake Mungo in the southwest of New South Wales, Australia, is one of the world’s richest archaeological sites. This film focuses on the interface between scientists and the Aboriginal communities who identify with the land and with the human remains revealed at the site. This interface has often been deeply troubled and contentious, but within the conflict and its gradual resolution is a story of the progressive empowerment of the Indigenous custodians of the area. The film is told entirely by actual participants from both the science and Indigenous perspectives.
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
Few among the fourteen thousand Cherokee that remain in their ancestral homeland in the mountains of North Carolina speak their native tongue. Children are not being taught the language at home. The Eastern Band Cherokee Indians is reversing this trend. They are fighting to revitalize their language and come to terms with their native heritage in the context of the modern United States.
The Apsara dancers of Cambodia reflect ancient ideals of movement and shape deified over seven centuries ago. The holy movements of Apsara are represented in more than 2000 bas-reliefs in the temple of Angkor Wat, showing 20 different dance postures and 25 different hairstyles. The symbolic character of dance is venerated at Angkor Wat through its architecture and art.
Thursday, 12 May 2016
In this resonant tribute to his grandmother, Kevin Papatie presents the history of the Anicinape people as a cyclical journey that begins and ends with resilience. Through it, we see how the Anicinape have survived the trials of history and remained strong. Kevin Papatie was born in Kitcisakik, an Algonquin community in the Abitibi region of Quebec.
A 2000-year-old Iron Age mirror was found in South Oxfordshire, UK, in 2006. This film by Sharon Woodward documents a museum project that takes metallurgical samples for research into the mirror’s origins and its possible relationship to a second mirror found 40 miles away. The film also considers the wider significance of this enigmatic object and its possible role in ritual or magical beliefs of the ancient Britons who made it.
The Shedd Recital Hall (May 12th to May 15th, 2016)
868 High St, Eugene, OR 97401Thursday, 12 May 2016
Session 1
Friday,13 May 2016
Session 2
Saturday, 14 May 2016
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
Sunday, 15 May 2016
Session 6
Session 7
Session 8