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An extraordinary journey leads you to discover the milestones that marked the path taken by humanity from biology to civilizations. Carlota, as many young people nowadays, does not know what to do with her future. Keep studying? What for? Her uncle, Luis, fulfills an old promise and invites her to join in his next adventure with the famous archaeologist, Eudald Carbonell. The trio make an extraordinary journey to the past, traveling to four continents searching for the keys that will open the doors of the future to the people of Earth.

Screening time: Sunday, May 6 at 10:17AM


Length: 62 min

Country: Spain

Language: Spanish w/English Subtitles, English 

Director: Alfonso Par/Luis Quevedo

Producer: Alfonso Par/Luis Quevedo

Distributor: Alfonso Par/Luis Quevedo

Distributor Web site: http://turkanafilms.com