Project Mosul follows the story of Chance Coughenour and Matthew Vincent, two digital archaeologists, who raised an international crowd-sourcing project to produce digital reproductions of objects destroyed in the Mosul Museum at the hands of ISIS. In 2014, that terrorist group occupied Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city. Its reign of terror began with public executions and imposition of strict ISIS sharia law. As part of their psychological campaign, ISIS gunmen stormed the Mosul Museum, pillaged its collection, and destroyed countless artifacts. Humanity watched in horror as images of this destruction diffused worldwide via social media. In London, two archaeologists decided to take action, spurring an international crowd-sourced campaign to create digital 3D replicas of the lost heritage.
Screening time: 5:35-5:45 PM, Sunday, May 5, 2019
Length: 9 mins.
Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
Director: Joosung Kwon
Producer: Holly Butcher