
Location: Italy         Length: 8 min

Pompeii is well known for its rich archaeological record sealed by volcanic deposits in A.D. 79. But what was the history of the city and its inhabitants before this date? The Anglo-American Project in Pompeii (AAPP), sponsored by the University of Bradford in England, is answering this question through scholarly research and at the same time is training future archaeologists and historians in the latest scientific field techniques. This video introduces the viewer to Pompeii and the goals of the AAPP and describes the field excavation of 2002.

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A video by Arthur & Jennifer Stephens

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The Anglo-American Project in Pompeii (Archaeology’s Interactive Dig)

Websites About Pompeii (James M Deem)

The Forgotten City of Pompeii (includes a pictorial tour of the city)

Home Ruins of Pompeii (HomeAdvisor)

Pompeii Forum Project (University of Virginia)

Pompeii Forum Project (plans, images, discussions)

Pompeii: Unraveling Ancient Mysteries (Harcourt)