
Location: Utah, USA.         Length: 2 min

Passport In Time volunteers help the Manti-La Sal National Forest and the Edge of the Cedars Museum in Blanding, Utah, to catalogue artifacts. The artifacts, collected in the 1970s, are from hundreds of Ancestral Puebloan sites dated AD 500 and 1300 in southeastern Utah. Information from the artifacts brings to life a complex story of migration during Ancestral Puebloan times. These artifacts had not been tallied and identified before, but thanks to PIT volunteers the Forest Service is bringing to light important information about the ancient people.

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Produced in 2012 by USDA Forest Service

Copyright 2012 by USDA Forest Service

Ancestral Puebloans (Wikipedia)

Edge of the Cedars State Park Museum

Manti-La Sal National Forest

Utah Archaeology (USDI Bureau of Land Management)

Utah Statewide Archaeological Society