Location: UK Length: 8 min
This film is a video mirror between the Past and the Future displayed on the tactile surface of Neolithic sarsen stone. In this projected dimension, three key archaeology/media figures discuss archaeology's portrayal on UK television: Mike Pitts, Editor of British Archaeology magazine; Francis Pryor, President of the Council for British Archaeology; and Julian Richards, TV and radio broadcaster. Archaeology has become very popular on UK television, prompting questions about the proper relationship between the profession and the medium.
Copyright 2004 by Sean Caveille
Filmed, produced and directed by Sean Caveille
Web links:
Julian Richards (University of York-Department of Anthropology)
Big Roman Dig (UK Channel 4)
Council for British Archaeology
Profile of Dr. Francis Pryor (Peterborough Telegraph)
Time Team (UK Channel 4)