

(1) This animated film juxtaposes vibrant imagery of ancient art and object-making with modern technological devices.  Visuals in saturated colors include ancient material culture, such as cave paintings, ancient pottery and female fertility figures.  (2) Jean Chrétien, former Canadian Prime Minister, recalls with nostalgia and emotion his childhood in Belgoville, in the province of Quebec.  This company town was created from scratch by Hubert Biermans, sent by Belgium to take care of the “Belgo,” the paper mill in Shawinigan where Jean Chrétien’s father worked.

Copyright 2023 by Archaeological Legacy Institute

Web links:


Hubert Biermans (Wikipedia)

Jean Chrétien (Britannica)

Pink Pottery (Christine A. Banna)

Shawinigan (Wikipedia)

Widescreen Production (Olivier Vandersleyen)