Strata: Portraits of Humanity is a monthly half-hour newsmagazine-style show. Each episode of the human story is a portrait building on the many layers of the human experience. This is a record we are just beginning to uncover. From that perspective, Strata delivers in-depth coverage of a wide variety of archaeological and cultural heritage topics all around the world.
More artifacts from the Denver Museum; The Lost Redwood
In a second series of short videos about artifacts...
Artifacts from the Denver Museum; featuring Presidio, Texas
In a series of short videos about artifacts in the collection...
Animated story from Borneo; Supper for the Dead Souls
In an animated Borneo tale highlighting a conflict in family relationships...
Animal bones & archaeology; Ancient city in Myanmar
Find out what a zooarchaeologist does with animal bones...
Horse-riding through time; Spanish funerary practice
The art of horse riding from Antiquity to the Middle Ages...
Slavery in Brazil; preserving Italian tradition
Kekere means “small” in Yoruba. This animation music video deals with the sad theme of slavery...