This documentary focuses on the clever men and women who found themselves saving Italy's artistic heritage during the Second World War. This is the story of Rodolfo Siviero, secret agent and double dealer, and of Emilio Lavagnino, inspector of the Ministry in Rome, and of Pasquale Rotondi, Superintendent of Fine Art for the Marche region. Siviero, Lavagnino and Rotondi: three men, whose stories intertwined as they fought the Nazi greed for art and protected priceless masterpieces from the allied bombings. Experience the Nazi treasure hunt for Italian artwork, foiled at every turn by the courage of these men as they risked their lives to preserve the legacy of Italian art.
Length: 55 mins.
Country: Italy
Language: English with English Subtitles
Director: Massimo Becattini
Producer: Tobia Pescia
Distributor: HV Rights: Film Docementari d'Arte