(1) Many of the most valuable coins minted in ancient Rome had gold mined from northern Portugal. Huge work areas in the open, deep galleries and a complex network of hydraulic channels are impressive for their size and state of conservation—the most fascinating in Roman Portugal. (2) TAC Tour of Iran 2017 was a 17-day journey to key ancient and medieval sites in the cradle of civilization. In this short video, tour participants express their reactions to a transformative experience, which will be repeated in 2018. We are taking reservations now.
Produced in 2018 by Archaeological Legacy Institute
Copyright 2018 by Archaeological Legacy Institute
Web links:
The Archaeology Channel Tour of Iran 2018
History of Iran (Iran Chamber Society)
Roman Mining in the Valongo System (Portugal), by Carla Maricato and Paulo Pacheco (Speleo Brazil 2001) [PDF]