Strata: Portraits of Humanity is a monthly half-hour newsmagazine-style show. Each episode of the human story is a portrait building on the many layers of the human experience. This is a record we are just beginning to uncover. From that perspective, Strata delivers in-depth coverage of a wide variety of archaeological and cultural heritage topics all around the world.
Buried landscapes of Pennsylvania ; TAC Festival 2018
A look into the fifty-year practice of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 in Pennsylvania...
Historic Idaho aircraft; Underground Verona
The Idaho National Laboratory near Pocatello includes two bombing ranges used in World War Two to train bomber pilots...
Honey Hunters
In the rainforests of Malaysia, the Tualang tree stands high above others, hosting hives of Asiatic Giant Bees...
Dawn of the Etruscans
The Villanovan Culture of northern and central Italy, between 900 and 700 BC, was ancestral to the more well known Etruscan Civilization...
Community abandoned to build nuclear facility
Hawthorne was a small community in Aiken County, South Carolina. When the construction of the Savannah River Site nuclear reservation...
Naval power of Athens; traditional scarf of Iran
Following the all-important Battle of Salamis in 480 BC, Athenians came into the golden age of their naval bases...