Strata: Portraits of Humanity is a monthly half-hour newsmagazine-style show. Each episode of the human story is a portrait building on the many layers of the human experience. This is a record we are just beginning to uncover. From that perspective, Strata delivers in-depth coverage of a wide variety of archaeological and cultural heritage topics all around the world.
Vikings; Dakota Access Pipeline
In the eighth century, after centuries of trade contact, the Vikings set sail in their clinker-built ships to many parts of the world...
Temple of Victory; Solomon Islands carver
In 480 BC, Greek cities of Sicily soundly defeated a massive Carthaginian force at the first Battle of Himera. Himera then built the Temple of Victory...
Roman Mining Technology; Tour of Iran 2017
Many of the most valuable coins minted in ancient Rome had gold mined from northern Portugal. Huge work areas in the open, deep galleries...
Tour of Iran 2017; Woodmen of Anatolia
The woodmen are a group of Turkmen who for centuries have carried on timber harvesting and living in the mountainous region...
On Nikumaroro in search of Amelia Earhart; Medieval French abbey
The abbey of St. Michel de Cuxa in the border region of France and Spain came into being over 1000 years ago...
Buried landscapes of Pennsylvania ; TAC Festival 2018
A look into the fifty-year practice of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 in Pennsylvania...