Strata: Portraits of Humanity is a monthly half-hour newsmagazine-style show. Each episode of the human story is a portrait building on the many layers of the human experience. This is a record we are just beginning to uncover. From that perspective, Strata delivers in-depth coverage of a wide variety of archaeological and cultural heritage topics all around the world.
Shaman burial; Spanish rock art
This animated short film is an imaginative take on the ritual farewell of an old female shaman whose 12,000-year-old burial in an Israeli cave...
Fort Fremont
Built-in 1899 during the Spanish-American War as one of six fortifications designed to protect the southeastern American coastline...
Landscape archaeology; preserving Himalaya forests
In northern India, a remarkable five-year-old girl named Janisha Marchal has dedicated her life...
Alien myth-busting; medieval city in India
Dr. Chloe Duckworth, alias “ArchaeoDuck,” covers the archaeology behind a news story from 2016...
Archaeology explained; Plains Indians town
In this inaugural video blog by Dr. Chloe Duckworth, she takes a stab at explaining what archaeology is...
Lanzhou Waterwheel; Iranian New Year ritual
The art of making the Lanzhou Waterwheel was all but lost in the 21st century. Duan Yicun, the 20th descendent...