


TAC International Film and Video Festival The Mummy Who Came in from the Cold



Mummy in Coffin  Beadwork Detail with Mummy



In Yakoutia, a forgotten province of Siberia, anthropologist Eric Crubezy unearths a strange tomb containing the body of a woman. Her eyes are covered, and she is clothed in a garment of pearls. Who was she? Why were her sleeves sewn closed at the ends? Is she a princess or a shaman? Set up like a detective film, The Mummy Who Came From the Cold documents the scientific investigation into this mysterious woman’s identity.




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Length: 52 min.
Country: France
Language: English
Producer: Marc Jampolsky, Gedeon Programmes
Producer website: http://www.gedeonprogrammes.com
Distributor: Terranoa
Distributor Web site: http://www.terranoa.com



Festival Screenings and Awards:

Best Film, Cinarchea: International Archaeology Film and Art Festival, Kiel, Germany, 2008
Public Award, Kineon: International Festival of Archaeological Film, Brussels, Belgium, 2007
Jury Award Adventure Screens 2007, Dijon, France