TAC International Film and Video Festival Butrint: The Rise and Fall of a Mediterranean City


Butrint amphitheatre ruins
Ruins of classical Butrint building



This film illustrates the rise, fall and resurrection of ancient Butrint–a Mediterranean city uncovered through the pioneering excavations of archaeologists in Albania. In the process, we get a vivid example of how, by uncovering lost antiquities in this former Soviet-bloc country, archaeology is instrumental in bringing tourism and an economic future to this newly-independent nation.






Length: 24:46 min.
Country: UK
Language: English
Producer: The Butrint Foundation
Producers Web site: http://www.butrintfound.dial.pipex/
Distributor: N/A
Distributor Web site: N/A
Copyright: None


Festival Screenings and Awards:

Unspecified screening in Italy, 2004, and several airings on Albanian TV