This dramatic story, told by renowned archaeologist Marija Gimbutas, has never been more timely. Her work on the Neolithic cultures of Old Europe (6500-3500 BC) reveals evidence of a peaceful, woman-honoring, Goddess-worshiping egalitarian civilization that existed for thousands of years with no war. Instead, theirs was a culture of art, exhibiting remarkable human creativity and stability in an era free of strife. What can we learn from this non-violent portion of human history?
Play with Windows Media Player: 300k or 700k
Length: 58:40 min.
Country: USA
Language: English
Producer: Belili Productions / Donna Read
Producers Web site: /
Distributor: Belili Productions
Distributor Web site: /
Copyright: 2003 by Belili ProductionsFestival Screenings and Awards:
Women's History Project, UCLA
Fowler Museum, Los Angeles, CA
Rassegna Internazionale del Cinema Archaeologica, Rovereto, Italy, 2006
West Coast Premier, Cowell Theater, San Francisco, CA, 2004
East Coast Premier, Andover, MA, 2004
Goddess Conference Down Under, Melbourne, Australia, 2004
Canadian Premier, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2004
Woman Gathering Festival, Carbondale, PA, 2004