TAC International Film and Video Festival



Pocahontas Re-enacted 


For four centuries, Americans have adored her as a romantic fairy-tale heroine. But who was the real Pocahontas? As the nation’s birthplace marks its 400th birthday, this film presents an illuminating new view of this legendary figure and offers a first-hand look inside the recently discovered sacred village of Werowocomoco (“Place of Chiefs”) in present-day Virginia, where the longhouse in which Pocahontas first met the colonial leader John Smith in 1607 is being unearthed.





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Length: 60 min.
Country: USA
Language: English
Producer: A NOVA Production by Lone Wolf Documentary Group for WGBH/Boston
Producer Web site:www.lonewolfdg.com/
Distributor: WGBH Educational Foundation
Distributor Web site: www.pbs.org/nova
Copyright: 2006 by WGBH Educational Foundation