“Specularia: Glass Windowpanes in Roman Times”: How did the Romans make glass windows? Archaeologist Géraldine Frère and master glassmakers employed experimental archaeology to reproduce the methods used by glassmakers 2,000 years ago. Specifically, the project set out to determine by whom, for whom, how, where, and when Roman glass was produced. To achieve this, the researchers put in place a multidisciplinary methodology: the Specularia experimental archaeology project is one of the many approaches developed to unravel the mysteries of this industry.
Web links:
Malagne Archaeopark of Rochefort [Géraldine Frère]
The Prehistory of Glass Windows: Making windows out of wood and stone in antiquity, y Daniel Jütte (Lapham’s Quarterly)
Roman Glass (Wikipedia)
Roman Window Glass (Liss Archaeology)
Roman Window Glass from Vagnari Roman Imperial Estate (Italy), by Maureen Carroll (The Roman Society)