
Location: Germany         Length: 3 min

The huge stones of Neolithic and Bronze Age tombs in Europe often inspire questions about how people using simple technology could have transported them from their quarries. Those who ask such questions tend to underestimate the ingenuity of people living thousands of years ago. This film confirms that there is no need for giants to move the gigantic rocks of a megalithic tomb. In a demonstration of experimental archaeology, a group of students shows how simple it is to transport the stones.

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Directed by Kurt Denzer

Produced and distributed by the Film Work Group of Christian Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany

Copyright 2003 by the Film Work Group of Christian Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany

Neolithic Tombs (BBC)

Stonehenge (Brittania)

Earth Mysteries (John Michell)

Umm El Marra (The Johns Hopkins University)

Megalith (Wikipedia)