
Location: Colorado         Length: 6 min

Construction workers digging a utility trench in Castle Rock, Colorado, in 2003 were surprised to find human bones. A crime scene investigation sprang up, drawing archaeologists from the Colorado Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation and the local sheriff and coroner. This documentary follows what happened after a trenching machine uncovered an unmarked burial, complete with a disintegrated wooden coffin buried and forgotten there since the 19th Century, when Euro-American pioneers were exploring the Colorado Territory.

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Produced in 2008 by The NetworkDC

Copyright 2008 by The NetworkDC

Colorado Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation

Douglas County Coroner

Douglas County History Research Center

Douglas County Sheriff

History of Colorado (Wikipedia)

Castle Rock, CO  (Town Website)

A Native American Perspective (Kristin A. Kuckleman)