Location: Tennessee Length: 22 min.
Capitalizing on a rare archaeological opportunity, archaeologists at Shiloh National Military Park in Tennessee have unearthed the architecture of a Mississippian platform mound built a thousand years ago. Their findings may change how archaeologists see all such mounds: these ancient pyramids were not merely piles of earth, but instead colorful creations with powerful symbolism. Archaeology is revealing this mound's original appearance and yielding compelling clues about the way it was used during the Mississippian Period (A.D. 900–1550).
A video by Cindy Tomlinson Brummer
Copyright 2005 by Twist Media & Productions
Web links:
Archaeological Investigations at Shiloh (PDF;National Park Service)
Mississippian Period (NPS)
Shiloh National Military Park (National Park Service)
Shiloh National Military Park - Monument Location System (Archaeology Magazine)
Tennessee Archaeology: An Outline and Introduction (Tennessee Archaeology Network)